Text Capitalizer / Decapitalizer
Online tool for uppercasing or lowercasing texts. Capitalize/Decapitalize a whole text. Capitalize first letter of each word. Random uppercase / lowercase.
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- This application is fully client-side (JavaScript). It means your data is processed in your web browser by your computer / phone (so it does not leave your system) - in the opposite to server-side software, where your data is sent across the Internet (often in an unencrypted form).
- Button [→||←] removes all extra white spaces (multiple spaces within a text, leading and trailing spaces). Button [Title (EN)] capitalize the first letter of each word with exception of some articles, coordinating conjunctions and prepositions according to common title capitalization rules for English headings. The functions for capitalizing first letters in words do not affect capital letters in other positions and / or first letters if they are already capitalized (if necessary, use [Lowercase] button first).